Mark David Nieman
Assistant Professor University of Toronto
I hold a joint appointment with the Department of Political Science and Trinity College at the University of Toronto. I am also affiliated with the Data Sciences Institute.


My academic interests are in international relations and political methodology. My research focuses on interactions between major powers and protégé states, and the foreign policy implications of these interactions, specifically as they pertain to major power competition/cooperation, conflict processes among protégé states, state development, and political economy. My research in political methodology develops techniques and best practices for working with censored and non-random missing data, as well as modeling temporal dynamics.

My research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, and has been published in The Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, Journal of Peace Research, and Statistica Sinica, among others. My first book (co-authored with Cameron Thies), Rising Powers and Foreign Policy Revisionism: Understanding BRICS Identity and Behavior through Time, is available from University of Michigan Press. My published work are available on my research page and current projects on the working papers page.

I teach courses on international political order, international political economy, contemporary challenges in IR, theory development and research design, and quantitative methods. These courses focus on understanding the theoretical mechanisms driving domestic and international actors' behavior and evaluating these using empirical evidence. Current and past syllabi can be found on my teaching page.

I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, and my B.A. and M.A. from Iowa State University. I previously held positions at Iowa State University, the University of Alabama, the University of Missouri, and was a James A. Socknat Fellow at The World Bank. My CV is available here and on my CV page.